Becoming part of the work community

Interpersonal skills play an important role in our everyday lives and have a significant impact on how we act in the work community and how we are treated. In the work community, communication is key as it promotes understanding, builds trust, strengthens social bonds and helps to resolve conflicts.
Good interpersonal skills also require openness and honesty in the work community. Open and honest communication helps to build trust in the community. When employees feel that they can trust each other and that they can talk openly with one another, co-operation and joint decision-making are easier. Good interpersonal skills create a positive and encouraging atmosphere in the work community, which in turn promotes the well-being of its employees.
Sivun sisällysluettelo
- Open dialogue and trust as the basis for well-being at work
- Mentoring and coaching to support interaction
- Multiculturalism and interaction in the work community
- Persons with partial work ability in working life
- A non-discriminatory work community
- Multi-location work
- The work community as a learning environment
Open dialogue and trust as the basis for well-being at work
Discussing issues affecting well-being in the work community requires open dialogue and an atmosphere of trust. These issues include things such as the workload, the comfort level of the working environment, work-life balance and the atmosphere at work. A safe atmosphere in the work community is a key factor in identifying and addressing challenges related to well-being at work. Employees should be able to openly express their concerns and needs and raise any issues about well-being at work.
Trust comes from long-term action and transparent communications. Supervisors should set an example and show that the opinions and needs of employees are important.
Discussion helps to identify potential challenges to well-being at work at an early stage, making it easier to address them and find solutions. Discussions also promote co-operation and understanding of different perspectives.
In a work community with a culture that encourages open discussion, well-being challenges can be solved together. Through co-operation and openness, the work community can find the best ways to promote employee well-being and create a positive and supportive working environment for everyone.
Mentoring and coaching to support interaction
As working life continues to undergo a shift, the expectations and needs of young employees in particular can differ significantly from those of previous generations. Today, open communications, the opportunity to participate in decision-making and the meaningfulness of work are valued. Interaction is integral to the functioning of the work community and the well-being of the employees. New employees bring new ideas and perspectives to the workplace, so their active involvement works to renew the work community.
Supervisors and other employees should take the time to get to know the new employee. It helps to show genuine interest, as the newcomer may feel insecure. It is important to identify special needs in interaction and create a positive atmosphere. Open communication builds trust and helps the new employee feel that they are part of the work community.
Mentoring and coaching make it easier to get familiar with the work. More experienced employees can share their experiences and educate the newcomer on the organisation’s practices and social norms. At the same time, the newcomer will have the opportunity to ask questions and get personal guidance. The aim is to create an atmosphere of trust where making mistakes and learning from them are allowed.
Multiculturalism and interaction in the work community
A multicultural work community offers unique opportunities to learn and understand different cultures and make use of different competencies. A genuine interest and an open attitude towards diversity promote a diverse and successful work environment.
Listening, empathy and respect are key to building trust and facilitating interaction. By understanding each other’s cultural backgrounds and values, we can avoid misunderstandings and build strong employment relationships.
Work community supervisors play an important role in creating a work environment where diversity is accepted. Supervisors should also encourage employees to engage in cross-cultural interaction, for example, by organising multicultural training sessions or events.
Multiculturalism is a resource that enriches the work community and increases its competitiveness in the global operating environment. This requires creating an atmosphere where every employee feels valued and accepted as they are, which in turn requires open dialogue and cross-cultural learning.
Persons with partial work ability in working life
Adapting the work and recruitment of employees with partial work ability are ways to promote diversity in the workplace. Persons with partial work ability bring their valuable competence and input to the work community but need various individual support measures in order to be able to participate in working life.
Adjustments can include things such as flexible working hours, ergonomic tools, reorganisation of work tasks and support for maintaining and improving work ability.
An open and comprehensive recruitment process takes into account the strengths and opportunities of employees with partial work ability. During the job interview, it is a good idea to offer the candidate the opportunity to explain the necessary adjustments that they would need to succeed in their tasks.
Recruiting employees with partial work ability and adapting the work require an open attitude, commitment and resources from organisations. Every employee can thrive and reach their full potential in a work community where everyone is treated equally. By supporting employees with partial work ability and adapting the work to their needs, organisations can benefit from a diverse set of competencies and have a positive impact on both individual employees and the work community as a whole.
A non-discriminatory work community
Diversity in the work community means appreciating different backgrounds. When employees feel accepted as themselves, their motivation, commitment and productivity increase. Discrimination has a negative impact on employee experience and damages their well-being. Discrimination can be based on factors such as race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability.
It is up to supervisors to create a work culture that supports diversity and encourages people to hear and respect diverse voices. Open and active interaction with employees is key to building trust.
Discrimination can be prevented through systematic work. Diversity training increases awareness of different backgrounds and cultures. The work community should also establish clear rules and practices to combat discrimination and provide channels for reporting observed cases of discrimination.
Multi-location work
In today’s world of work, employees often work from different locations or remotely. In addition to the usual methods, virtual interaction is required when working from multiple locations.
Virtual interaction is different from face-to-face communication, which is why it is important to recognise its specific features. For instance, the lack of expressions and gestures makes communication more difficult to understand. Virtual interaction can take place via email, Teams messages or meetings, for example.
Multi-location work requires self-management and independent work from everyone. Employees need to be able to prioritise their tasks and effectively manage their working hours. Teamwork promotes co-operation and knowledge-sharing between remote workers. Working from multiple locations requires flexibility and initiative.
Technology plays an important role in multi-location work. Easy-to-use and reliable tools are essential for effective virtual interaction. The employer must ensure that employees have the conditions required to use these tools effectively.
Multi-location work can offer opportunities for efficient and productive work and work that promotes positivity and cohesion.
The work community as a learning environment
Work communities are diverse environments where the different learning styles and needs of individuals can have a direct impact on learning efficiency and the quality of working. Different learning systems and methods are best suited to different learners. By addressing individual differences and needs, we can create more productive and motivated work communities.
There are many ways to take into account different learners in the work community. Illustrated and easy-to-read materials are effective ways to diversify communications. Clear materials enable different ways of taking in information and help with ensuring that the messages reach all employees.
Supervisors, other employees and work community support play a key role in supporting different learners. Mentors and tutors can offer individual guidance and support in the learning process. The open atmosphere in the work community and awareness of different learning styles help to create an environment of understanding and respect. Work guidance can also be useful for supporting different learners. The work advisor can help with identifying the employee’s learning strengths and development areas and provide practical advice and strategies to support the learning process.
- Julkaisija:
- Centre for Occupational Safety, Branch Committee for the Technology Industry
- Sisältö:
- Matias Herranen & Miia Puukka
- Julkaisuvuosi:
- 2024
- Toimialat:
- Kaikille aloille yhteiset aiheet
- Julkaisumuodot:
- Digijulkaisu
- Kielet:
- englanti